Known Issues
There are currently no known issues for this product.
Release Notes
When converting JSON files to property lists, references to NaN and Infinity may be interpreted as zero values: The JSON5 extension to the JSON file format allows that floating point numbers can be specified as explicitly representing the reserved values for “not a number” (NaN), positive infinity or negative infinity. If you use PropEdit to convert such a JSON5 file to a plist file, PropEdit will handle this correctly. However, when processing the file later, macOS may automatically misinterpret these values as being zero (0.0).
Workaround: This is a known limitation of macOS outside the scope of PropEdit and there is no workaround. The effect may differ depending on which exact version of macOS you are using.
The sort order of the keys of JSON objects (dictionaries) may not be preserved if they contain spacing combining marks or connector punctuation characters: The JSON5 extension to the JSON file format allows that keys of JSON objects can be valid ECMAscript identifiers, so they don’t need to be put into quotation marks for strings. Such identifiers are permitted to contain special characters such as the Devanagari “Visarga” sign, or the inverted undertie. PropEdit should open these files correctly, but the sorting order in objects containing such keys may not be preserved in this particular case.
Workaround: This is a known limitation of PropEdit. If you like to use keys for objects that contain characters of the Unicode categories Mc (Spacing Combining Marks) or Pc (Connector Punctuation), put these keys into double quotation marks (").