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PropEdit Version History

Release 1.1 (250120)

  • This version is capable of preserving the sort order of keys in JSON objects (dictionaries).
  • When trying to open invalid JSON files, the first detected syntax error will now be shown in detail.
  • The strict limitation not to support “JSON fragments” (files that have a scalar value, not embedded in an array or dictionary at the top) has been lifted.
  • The application can now open JSON5 files that use the “\x” escape notation to specify Latin characters via two hexadecimal digits.
  • The application can now open JSON5 files where specific notations for floating point numbers use more leading zeros than necessary.
  • Fixes a problem where specific warning dialogs may have been suppressed when opening invalid files.
  • This version adds an optimization to detect whether started edit operations actually change a property list value or not. This detection can avoid that macOS triggers aggressive autosave operations when users perform a non-modifying edit operation, just as copying a value to the pasteboard, for example.

Release 1.0 (Build 240917)

First published version of PropEdit.

PropEdit is a modified version of our macOS software products PrefEdit (released in November 2000) and PrefEdit App (released in January 2011).