Blog - Archived Entries - December 2021

The latest news are listed first. See more latest news from the current blog.

TinkerTool 8

December 23, 2021:
We are releasing TinkerTool version 8.4:

  • Added new option to active direct mouse control without any influence on speed or acceleration.
  • The setting to disable the feature to keep help windows always in the foreground could be re-enabled for macOS 12.1.
  • The setting to disable font smoothing could be re-enabled for macOS 12.1.
  • For specific combinations of appearance settings for Dark Mode, reduced transparency, and Dark Mode limitation to menu bar and Dock, TinkerTool will not automatically optimize the appearance settings for overlaid “on-screen display” indicators of macOS.
  • Fixed a translation issue, where the option to enable slow motion for window minimization was shown in English instead of the preferred language.

TinkerTool is an application that gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into macOS. This allows to activate hidden features in the operating system and in some of the applications delivered with the system.

Apple Software Update

December 20, 2021:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:

  • Safari Technology Preview version 137 (Update Product ID: 002-44116)

This update to Safari Technology Preview includes the latest WebKit enhancements.

Apple Software Update

December 16, 2021:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:

  • Apple XProtect Configuration Data version 2153 (Update Product ID: 002-08993)
  • Apple XProtect Configuration Data, for macOS Mojave, version 2153 (Update Product ID: 002-08996)

XProtect is part of the built-in antivirus software of macOS. The package does not appear in the Software Update section of System Preferences.

Apple Software Update

December 15, 2021:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:

  • Safari 15.2 for macOS 11 (Update Product ID: 002-44473)
  • Safari 15.2 for macOS Catalina (Update Product ID: 002-44142)

Safari 15.2 fixes six very critical security issues that could allow an attacker to run any code on macOS.

Apple Software Update

December 13, 2021:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:

  • macOS 12.1 Monterey
  • macOS 12.1 Monterey Update for macOS Mojave and Catalina (Update Product ID: 002-42435)
  • macOS 11.6.2 Big Sur Update (Update Product ID: 002-42341)
  • macOS 10.15.7 Catalina Security Update 2021-008 (Update Product ID: 002-31087)
  • BridgeOS Customer Update 12.1 (Update Product ID: 071-93413)
  • Command Line Tools for Xcode 13.2 (Update Product ID: 002-41708)

The updates address product defects and security issues.

System Monitor

December 9, 2021:
We are releasing System Monitor version 5.3 through the Mac App Store:

  • Added new layout feature to automatically reconfigure the selection of display elements for each monitor item to a recommended setting for width-limited screens. This can be helpful for Macs with small display or camera notch.
  • Added support for expected changes in upcoming versions of macOS.
  • The policy for the selection of GPUs to monitor has changed. The program no longer suppresses readings for GPUs that are inactive during application launch. This will make monitoring of GPUs that are dynamically switched off for energy saving more consistent. However, this will also enable the display of GPUs that are inactive by default, e.g. the CPU-integrated GPU of Intel-based iMacs with discrete GPU.
  • Memory readings for GPUs whose drivers provide incorrect data are now filtered out.
  • System Monitor can now check for available updates of the System Monitor Plus add-on application.
  • Internal diagnostic features have been added.
  • Security certificates have been updated.

System Monitor is an application for the menu bar of macOS, designed to inform you unobtrusively about the activity of your computer. A Trial Version is available as free download.

Apple Software Update

December 8, 2021:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:

  • Safari Technology Preview version 136 (Update Product ID: 002-40418)

This update to Safari Technology Preview includes the latest WebKit enhancements.

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