
Tasks and Solutions

Where is this function now?

Information for users who moved from TinkerTool System 7

If you have performed an upgrade from macOS 11 Big Sur or macOS 12 Monterey to macOS 13 Ventura or later, and you are searching for missing features in TinkerTool System 8, please use the table below to learn why specific functions can no longer be supported, or whether they are now located at a different location or under a different name, respectively.

Comparison of feature locations
Previous Location Current Status
Issues > Network UI removed, because no longer needed in macOS 13
Network > Port Scan removed from macOS 13 by Apple
Info > System Info Info > Mac
Info > System Info > Operation Environment Info > Operation Environment
Info > Classic Logs & Reports > Server logs removed, because macOS Server has been discontinued by Apple
Operational Safety > EFI Firmware removed, because the underlying feature is defective in macOS 13 at the moment
Operational Safety > Broadcom® Ethernet removed, because the underlying feature is defective in macOS 13 at the moment
APFS > Separate window removed, because unnecessary in macOS 13
System > Preferences Panes removed, because available in System Settings and the Archiver utility
System > Misc. System > Miscellaneous
Startup > Protected Options removed, because blocked on modern Macs and no longer useful
Startup > Language removed when running macOS 14, because no longer needed in modern OS versions

All items not listed have kept their original locations and names.